5 Tips to Jumpstart Your Journey to Plant-Based Eating
Dec 05, 2022
Plant-based eating is becoming more of a thing these days and if it’s something you’ve considered for yourself, it’s a lot easier to make the transition than you think. The main idea is not to think of it as “dieting” or depriving yourself of your favorite foods, but to simply add more plant-based foods to your current diet. And lay off the pressure. If you love a burger once in a while, have one. You don’t have to completely eliminate animal products from your diet, just reduce your intake by making more plant-based meals.
If you’re thinking about taking the plunge, here are 5 tips to help you do so.
Tip 1: Choose your motivation
Giving yourself a reason to make the change will help you stick to it! Whether you want to save the animals, become healthier or simply feel better, the plant-based nutrition is a great option for those of us who want to be a better and healthier person.
Tip 2: Choose Your Type
A spectrum of plant-based eating is available to you. Start by identifying what you would like to change in your nutrition. Considering that your nutrition will be mainly coming from plants, your options are:
- Strict plant-based nutrition (vegan): You are not going to consume any meat, fish or animal products like dairy foods, honey or eggs.
- Vegetarian plant-based nutrition: You will be able to consume eggs, milk, cheese and other products of animals but no meat or fish.
- Flexitarian plant-based nutrition: Your meals will have a large proportion of plant-base food. In addition to small portions of eggs, or dairy foods and, on occasion, include meat, fish, seafood or poultry.
Tip 3: Plan Your Meals
One of the most difficult parts about adapting to plant-based eating is to adopt new habits in the kitchen. Start looking for recipes now and ideas for your meals. Our favorites are salads, bowls, wraps, soups and overnight oatmeal. And you can check out my Vital Foods Recipe Book here.
Tip 4: Make Your Grocery List
In order to ease yourself into plant-based eating, try to slowly increase the amount of plant-base food on your grocery list. This would include, vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, spices and vegan products like hummus or coconut milk.
Tip 5: Implement the Changes
The best way to start plant-based eating is to start with small steps now. Choose a day this week when you want to have a plant-based nutrition day. That day will be the beginning of your journey in plant-based eating. Once you’ve chosen a date, pick your recipes! My Vital Recipe Book is a great place to start.
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