Connection - an extremely powerful tool for well being.
Jun 27, 2022
The life of an attorney can often feel like lonely and isolating existence. Waking up early to get to work, mentally exhausting yourself for likely a lot more than 8 hours away while at work, and coming home to potentially an empty apartment, or a family, both of which come with their own set of challenges. In either case, many of us are exhausted and simply want to rest because connecting with people requires emotional and mental energy, that oftentimes we don’t have. Over time this can lead us to have fewer and fewer meaningful relationships in our lives. We think and feel that we’re too busy for small chit-chat and/or spending time with family and friends. We become isolated and lonely, but are still too exhausted to do anything about it. We begin to think that this is just what life is and nothing more. That can be a jarring thought, and one that leads us to participate in negative behaviors. This is not something that we want to be happening and it is critical for us to prevent this from happening, and if it has already happened, to take steps towards improving our mental wellbeing.
Brene Brown gives a beautiful Ted Talk on vulnerability and connection, and writes about it in her book, “The Power of Vulnerability”. She defines connection as “the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued.” She also claims that humans, by nature, “are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” We must realize that the energy it takes to connect with others will pay us back in abundance, whereas the energy we spend on our work will never be able to do the same. Of course, working pays the bills and allows us to live in the ways we want, but connection provides us with something most people may not realize as infinitely more valuable than money and material goods, your health and well-being. Without our health and well- being, we can’t work. None of the information in today’s blog post is news to most. But what it is, is a gentle nudge, a wake up call, and an urgent reminder to prioritize your relationships and connections with your loved ones, and beyond just your loved ones.
I don’t want to leave you all thinking, well great, she told us what we have to do, but nowhere does she speak about how to do it. Next week’s blog post will have strategies and suggestions for how we can incorporate connection with others in our busy and hectic lives. In the mean time, try to think of and implement your own strategies for connecting. There’s no right or wrong way to do this; your way and what works for you is the best way. And remember, I am simply here to offer guidance based on my personal experiences. Stay tuned!
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